月別アーカイブ: 2012年10月

ENTRY : horoscope JIKU for iPhone

[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_entry” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]Entry[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_aspect” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]Aspect[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_aspectline” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]AspectLine[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_class” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]Class[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_sensitivepoint” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]Sensitive Point[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_house” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]House[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_data” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]Data[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_customerbook” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]Customerbook[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://www.horoscope-jiku.com/menu_iphone_setting” style=”flat” background=”#e47d00″ size=”4″]Setting[/su_button]

Entry for a birth chart

Set date, time, place, timezone, and Daylight Saving Time(Summertime).


Three input & display methods can be chosen at the date.
Please choose experience method by “Setting”.


Input time by timetable 24 record.
When time is not input, it inputs it as “12:00”.

horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software

The place is pointed in the latitude and the longitude.
The east longitude and the north latitude are written by + (plus).
The west longitude and the south latitude are written by – (minus).

There are three input method.

(1) Map
The place can be searched in the map by “Map” button.
In the map, it is possible to display it by inputting the place name, for exsample the city name and the landmark, etc.
A more detail place can be specified by the scroll and the expansion in the map.
The present place can be displayed in the map by GPS.
The network is needed when inputting it from the map.

horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software

(2) City DB
Major cities all over the world can be easily discovered by “City” button.
The place can be easily chosen, major city (10,230) of USA, major city (4,306) in the world, and major city (834) in Japan.

horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software
horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software
horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software

(3) Direct Input
Latitude and longitude can be input directly to the input area.
The east longitude and the north latitude are written by + (plus).
The west longitude and the south latitude are written by – (minus).


Select the zone of the time of the input place.
A typical country and the region are displayed in each timezone.

horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software
Daylight Saving Time (Summertime)

Select time when you specify Daylight Saving Time.

horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software

Select the House System from the Placidian House, the Koch House, the Solar House, the EqualSign House, the WholeSign House, and the SolarSign House.

horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software

One data can be input for Natal.
Two data can be input for Compatible(Transit), and double circle horoscope is displayed at the same time.
Three data can be input for Progress, and triple circle horoscope is displayed at the same time.
The passage year of progress is the method that one year is one day.

Natal input screen
horoscopeJIKU for iPhone astrology fortune-telling divination free astrologer app software

It is possible to select it from the map. – input screen
It is possible to retrieve it by “New York” (English).

horoscope JIKU astrology astrologer iPhone map new york big

It is possible to select it from the map. – input screen
It is possible to retrieve it by “London”.

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‘horoscope JIKU for iPhone’ version 4.0 was submitted to App Store.

‘horoscope JIKU for iPhone’ version 4.0 was completed.it was submitted to App Store.

‘horoscope JIKU for iPhone’ will be released about one week.You will be able to download soon.

‘horoscope JIKU for iPhone’ V4.0 caught up with the ‘for iPad’ and almost was the same function.

(1)two types:sign mode & planet mode.
(2)a separate setting as for the orb of aspect
(3)GPS location
(4)include GEO DB:USA(10,230)/world wide(4,306)/Japan(834)
(5)cool and kind aspect lines


Evolving ‘horoscope JIKU’

Evolving 'horoscope JIKU' - horoscope zodiac astrology horoscope app for astrologer
– Evolving ‘horoscope JIKU’
I want to be useful for astrologer. ‘horoscope JIKU’ started from hope of Rene Van Dale Supernatural Institute and Interbars corp.
The horoscope JIKU will keep evolving.

The horoscope is called Birth Chart,Natal Chart,Astro Chart,Astrological Chart,Wheel Chart,Chart Wheel,Celestial Map,Sky Map,Star Chart,Cosmogram,Vitasphere,Radical Chart,Radix,or simply Chart.

‘horoscope JIKU’ supports astrologers around the world.

Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU

Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for iPhone

Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android

Let's cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android horoscope app of astrologer

Let's cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android free horoscope app of astrologer
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Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope Staff for iPhone

Optional feature

Optional feature - horoscope JIKU horoscope app for astrologer
– Optional feature
A basic set makes a horoscope by 10 sensitive points.

(1)21 sensitive points
The App becomes a horoscope of 21 sensitive points: 15 sensitive points by planets and asteroids in the solar system and 6 sensitive points by DH, DT, MC, IC, ASC, and DSC.

The horoscope draw a double circle by two dates and places.

The horoscope draw a triple circle by two dates and places and a progress year.
It adds to a compatible option.

(4)Customer Book
The Customer BOOK can manage the information of your dearest people.
Information on the person who made the horoscope is automatically recorded in the Customer BOOK.
The horoscope can be easily made by quoting it from the Customer BOOK.

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Customer’s data is recorded.

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Customer’s diagnosis clinical record can be recorded.

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Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU

Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for iPhone

Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android

Let's cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android horoscope app of astrologer

Let's cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android free horoscope app of astrologer
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Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope Staff for iPhone

World support

World support - horoscope free aily zodiac astrology horoscope app for astrologer
– World support
The input of the date is 3 method for people around the world.
The input of the place is 2 method: MAP and GEO DB.By them, you can easily get more highly accurate position around the world.
It supports the timezone and Daylight Saving Time(Summertime).
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The horoscope is drawn 2 mode:Sign Mode and Space Mode.Their 2 mode stimulates your imagination.
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Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU

Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for iPhone

Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android

Let's cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android horoscope app of astrologer

Let's cast a birth chart by horoscope JIKU for Android free horoscope app of astrologer
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Let’s cast a birth chart by horoscope Staff for iPhone